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Password for setting analog output - HMI Samba

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I use a Samba HMI for control a power supply, and i begin on visilogic.

I send a setpoint to analog output for voltage and curent and  I would like  protect the setting with a password.

I've try the variable  "numeric password", but i don't know how to link the password to the button.  The screen is on the attached file.


Would anyone have a method to protect access to the settings?




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  • MVP 2023

The "Numeric Password" would be a separate entry. Place an MB in the "Legal Entry"box then use that bit to SET another bit to be used to indicate a password has been successfully entered. You can then use the successful password bit to turn on or off a "Disable" bit for the entries you want to protect. To log out, RESET the successful password bit.

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