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V1040 and Kepserver Modbus

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I'm brand new to Unitronics.  I inherited an existing V1040 and am trying to add a SCADA which communicates via KEPServerEX 6 (Modbus TCP/IP).  The logic in the PLC looks good to support the Modbus TCP/IP (socket 2, TCP 502) but I have no communication.  A ping to the V1040 is good.  Any have any suggestions or hints?

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  • MVP 2023

Is the V1040 Socket 2 set up as a TCP/IP Slave? Is there a ScanEX function block being executed on every PLC scan? Check the Ethernet-related System Bits SB 141-SB 158 and the System Integers SI 141-SI 148 while online with the PLC to see if there is anything out of order.

When you pinged, did you ping to Port 502?

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