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  • MVP 2023

A little more information would be very helpful. Is this the first time to open VisiLogic after a new install, or has it been working fine and this started suddenly? What operating system are you running on your computer? Do you have other versions of VisiLogic installed? Did you install VisiLogic with UAC off and Administrator privileges? Are you running VisiLogic with Administrator privileges? Have you tried opening a different project? Have you tried re-booting your computer? If all else fails, uninstall VisiLogic and re-install, or else try installing the newest version (9.8.64) and using Version Swapper to swap to it and try that.

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Here's the details:

  1. Just started it yesterday after a restart.
  2. Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
  3. No other versions installed
  4. Not trying to open a project at all, just wanting to look
  5. Rebooted several times
  6. I am the Administrator
  7. Don't really want to uninstall

Thanks! John

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  • MVP 2023
22 minutes ago, a062549 said:

6. I am the Administrator

Being the administrator is not sufficient. You must install VisiLogic "As Administrator" and run VisiLogic "As Administrator". The latest version of VisiLogic (9.8.64) does this automatically. Try uninstalling 9.8.31 and re-installing 9.8.64.

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