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Hi good day

I have a problem with a PLC V280 with the adjustment module V200-18-E3XB. this is the case

-I have configured the TC module inputs, with jumpers 3-4-5 for AN0 on B.

-HW configuration is for TC J, without filter, ° F, MI 104

-I have a type J TC connected to the analog input AN0, which reads in another PLC and indicates well

-program a screen with a Variable: numeric, to display the MI 104

The problem is that the display shows the value 32767 and I do not see the actual value of the temperature.



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  • MVP 2023

Hi Boris,

 2 things come to mind initially, which need to be known before further discussion.

1).  The E3/4XB won't work properly unless it is correctly powered.  You have done the jumper placements, so you must have the pdf/manual that also has the power connection requirements.  It is very easy to miss some of the connections as they are in different areas of the manual, depending on what they power.   Physically look at your wiring of the module terminals, if you see anything with a "V" without a connection, this needs to be learnt and corrections made.

2).  Do an initialise and reset via Connection/Communication & OS/2nd Tab/bottom right after finishing everything.




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