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+/-10V analog output

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HI to all.

I have one project that I need to drive hydraulic proportional valve that has +/-10V.

So now I need PLC with analog output +/-10V and I found JZ20-11-UA24 PLC.

Will this Jazz be a good to drive my prop. valve or is there another unitronics product that can handle +/-10V output?


Thanke you in advance for you answers.

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  • MVP 2023

Hmm, when I go to their web page, here: https://unitronicsplc.com/jazz-series-jazz/ I find it says 0-10V, but I see in the specifications pdf it says what you show above (+/- 10V). I've never encountered a +/- 10V analog output, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You may have to email Unitronics Support (support@unitronics.com) for a definitive answer.

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