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Ethernet/IP to OMRON PLC


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Customer has to Ethernet/IP into an OMRON Safety PLC.

We have the EDS file (NX-EIC202), and can make the connection and get the Basic Parameters.

The issue is setting up the T2O    and O2T  Assemblies and Structs for the Global Variables.

( we have done Ethernet/IP Setups for Bar Code Scanners and MURR IO Blocks  sucesfully,)

We cannot locate the relevent data in the Omron Information.

Information, experiences would help.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello All.

The application Dan references above is using the Unistream as an Ethernet/IP master to an Omron NX-EIC202 Ethernet/IP Coupler, which has a Safety CPU and a number of safety I/O "slices" attached.

Parameters ended up as follows:

Input Assembly 100

Output Assembly 148

Configuration  199

Leave both Run Idle check boxes UN-Checked

Leave Config Size empty

Leave Multicast checkbox UN-Checked


I don't really know much about EDS files and I got fooled by viewing the EDS file for the NX-EIC202 in notepad, and after seeing the following, used 150 instead of 148 for the output ass'y

"Param2,Assem150,       $ O->T RPI, size, format
 ,Param1,Assem100,       $ T->O RPI, size, format"

Hope this helps anybody/everybody escape the time consuming trial & error approach I went through.


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