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UniLogic Notifier does not exist


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I recently installed the latest version of UniLogic 1.21.51 and everything seems to install ok but when I run the application I get an error before the application opens. I says that it cant  find UniLogic Notifier or that it doesn't exist but I can see the file in the Unitronics Profile File folder.
Any ideas please. Thank you !

Notifier Error.JPG

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If I would have to guess, something in the SQL Server installation or SQL Instance, failed.


What I would try to do is:

1. Close UniLogic if running

2. Start the Command Prompt As Administrator

3. Write Command prompt the following commands:

sqllocaldb stop unilogic

sqllocaldb delete unilogic

sqllocaldb create unilogic 11.0


Then try running UniLogic again.

Tell me if it helped. If not, then a remote session is required.


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