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Nested structures?

John H

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Using UniLogic V 1.21.51, I was hoping to create a 'Template PID' struct containing 'PID AT Params' and 'PID Config types', but these do not appear as options when attempting to add new members. The idea was then to also add some other housekeeping fields to my 'Template PID' struct, and use it as a type to create 24 global tags to manage 24 independantly-controlled oven zones in parallel. Is this possible? I was hoping to avoid having to uniquely name 24 sets of three global struct tags (such as 'PID AT Oven1 Zone1',  'PID Config Oven1 Zone1',  'PID Housekeeping Oven1 Zone1', etc.).




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I too, would like to be able to nest structs, but until then, If/when you do need to uniquely name large numbers of variables, you can export the variables to an Excel file, edit them as needed, then import them back to the project...much quicker and easier than one by one in Unilogic, and, any edits are scrutinized when imported back to Unilogic and tag-name/syntax errors are reported when encountered.

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