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Help with timer HMi and sb

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iam located in Morocco and work in textile industry 

i made a program for washing machine using samba 7 and 4 ra 22

it s working well

except for one think I am sure easy but I did not found yet

I have a ta timer for washing time 

On my hmi display this timer is in mode enable keypad entry so I can change the washing time when I want

but it s changing only preset time not current so I had a button to reset current time 

i wonder if there is a sb linked to the entry touch of the touchscreen keypad linked with this variable only timer ta that when pressed will reset the timer and enter the new value as current 

hope I was clear and thank you for your previous help




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I knew it was simple as that but this morning I tried to put some load timer preset and make comparaison if different from ml then reset but without succes

Dear Sir toda raba you made my day I am running on my knee to apply your solution

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