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We use a V350 to index a servo motor via the PTO built in feature works great.

We just need a larger screen and would like to use the V700 to accomplish this found that it does not support the PTO built in  the V350

the PTO features are helpful in the V350 as we can easily change things like ramp speeds etc.

Just need some direction or better yet,

Perhaps a forum member might have a V700  ladder net I could use to accomplish the same


Thank you.


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  My initial thoughts were to send a 8 bit (or 4) instruction call to the V350 from the V700 and use the V350 as the driver only to the Servo as the instruction are used for dispensing product that varies turns and velocity dependent on a request from a rfid fill request.  I was just looking for other possible options seems like solutions point in a similar direction.

A servo drive will also handle  ramp values as a preset  so I could re write something to work on the V700 but more complex

Thanks to All


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