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Unilogic or Visilogic?


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I am a mechanical engineer very new to PLC and ladder logic but I am working on a new automation project for my job where they want a PLC with an HMI to run 3 different stepper motors (1 of which is a 9 pin output stepper with gear reduction) and I want to know which option would be best for an application like this. The operation is (simply) as follows: Have an operator input some number at the HMI, the number runs to motor to a specific location and then stops. repeat this for the other 2 motors and then complete and reset the cycle back to a designated zero. I would love some feedback from anyone who can help!

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All I can say is that the Unilogic support staff, the youtube videos and the general ease of the software/programming side is all amazing. From what you're saying it seems like a job that Unilogics can do but I can't compare the two as I've only been working with Unilogics for a few weeks now.

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