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Table only changes in 1 colum


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I want to get a table where I put in parameter settings. On the first colum I put in the name of parameter. On the second the value of the parameter is read.

Now I will not have the possibility that the name of the parameters are changed. So colum 1 read only.

At colum 2 I will have the possibility to change the settings. But on the table only both colums are ready only or editable.

Can somebody help me how to read out a parameterlist on the way I wanted?




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23 hours ago, leen said:


I want to get a table where I put in parameter settings. On the first colum I put in the name of parameter. On the second the value of the parameter is read.

Now I will not have the possibility that the name of the parameters are changed. So colum 1 read only.

At colum 2 I will have the possibility to change the settings. But on the table only both colums are ready only or editable.

Can somebody help me how to read out a parameterlist on the way I wanted?




Hello Leen,

You could try with Message Composer, I think it is not the best way to do such things, but I can't think of a better way. You can see the example "Log to File" in UserLogs folder.

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