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my UDFB don't accept 10 Function Out variables...


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Dear All,

I created my UDFB where I need to have 10 Function Out variables (8 BIT, 2 UINT32)...I am not able to create, in any way, these 10...the "program" sometimes let me insert 9 sometimes 8...ok...I can create an array of BIT and other of UINT32 and after the UDFB store the value in the real variables...but why I can't create 10 Function out? and why sometimes 8 and sometime 9?

EDIT: sorry...I can't create an array for the Function out...then what I can do?

EDIT2: I can create a INT8 variable (GLOBAL) use this both as Function in and Function out...set the single BITs and check this after the UDFB...right?


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Dear Saragani,

just to give you more info...in this last project I have had other issue that was already reported at your service department...when I was trying to duplicate an HMI page the program won't worked and reboot itself....at the end I found the one element of the HMI (pdf elemet) seemed "locked" , no resizing was possible...not file assignement was accepted...at the end I cancel the HMI and create a new one and it start to work...

in this last I created a UDFB ...as I wrote I created 10 Fubction OUT variables (8 BIT and 2 UINT32)...and 10 was count in the local function...but after a compile I have had an error like "max allowed output..."...these variables have a composite name like "BIT_Alarme...."...in many test that i tried to understand I observed, but I am not sure, that with "long variable name" I were able to inser 8 with short name like "a" or "b" I were able to insert 9....

Now after a reinstalling of the unilogic I have the UDFB with 10 and works (see attached)


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