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Unilogic Schedule

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Hello all,

Still working on a program to monitor the park's water system, for one of my actions I believe I need to use a Schedule setup. From the documentation and toying around I believe I did it correctly but wanted to verify if anybody has a moment to let me know. Working with a Unistream 5" RA28. 

What I'd like to do is... Every Wednesday, between two user-set times, activate a normally closed relay. The times would preferably be retained through the week if possible. 

A part that I was confused about is that "Wednesday" is specified in the System/RTC Date/Day Of Week struct, however you can not click past the struct shown in my second picture, so I was surprised when it was an option in the logic portion. Did that come from the system struct that I'm assuming it did and was just hiding since it cant be edited by the programmer?

Am I on the right track here? Hardware is on site so I cant test it as thoroughly as I'd like until I connect, just did this quickly this morning and wanted a pair of experienced eyes if they're looking.

Happy Friday!



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