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Searching the best way to connect the mesh network to get connected thorough internet  cloud but I have started just now with IOT era so need best ways to get connected the wireless sensors with Internet cloud to send the data from raspberry pi directly to cloud

Your guidance  will be much appreciated to make it functional


  • MVP 2023

First question - where in the "cloud" is it going?  You have to have something to catch or transfer the data for people to connect to.  Usually a server your devices talk to that other users can access.

The Internet itself is not smart.  It is a collection of smart things connected together.  A UniStream can serve data over the Internet, but it has to have at a minimum a static public IP address that users can reference.  And/or a domain name registered to it.

Joe T.


I am using a wireless sensor which is sending the readings of temperature  through raspberry pi using mesh network,

I want these readings to send to google cloud and upload the readings in tabular format but not aware how can to use this kind of process.

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