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Hello, I am from TESAN in İstanbul

I want to use kiril alphabet with V570

I used two excel file and wrote turkish-kiril the cells...

But I can't import from excel files for string library. It was to fault this display :''Excel file not valid, maybe change manually''

immediately please can you help me? If there is an example, will you send to me?

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  • MVP 2023

First of all -  try to create two little  librarys  in different language.  Than  export it to two excel files and  two CSV files.

Please open this files by excel and see the structure. You must try to create new little file with te same sructure of data and import it to library.

Please remember that system font do not provide cyrilic letter. You must install cyrilic font to visilogic to use it in menu  and export - import cyrilic file.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

I send for you blank project. I import to this project two librarys  in different language  (eng and ukr-cyrilic).

This 1 and 2 lib files is exported from this  project to CSV files -  import seperator is (  ,  ).

Please try to open blank project and import this two files into 1-st and 2-nd librarys.

If import is OK - make your own CSV file with the same structure as my CSV file.

Please install to visilogic cyrilic font before import files and choose this font in import process. 





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