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Visilogic 9.2.0 crash!!!

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Hi all!

Anyone with same problem? Visilogic software crashes frequently on my machine with windows XP pro. Started to behave in that way since v. 9.0.1. I was hoping that 9.2.0. will solve issue, but it doesn't. Already tried reinstall several times... Cannot work... :-(


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Hi all!

Anyone with same problem? Visilogic software crashes frequently on my machine with windows XP pro. Started to behave in that way since v. 9.0.1. I was hoping that 9.2.0. will solve issue, but it doesn't. Already tried reinstall several times... Cannot work... :-(


What happens when it crashes?

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Please delete the file “Current_OPLC.udb” from “C:\Program Files\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Data\DB”

Then try to run VisiLogic again.

If after deleting the file the error still occurs, please reinstall VisiLogic as follow:

For XP Please do the following:

  • Backup your application files.
  • Uninstall VisiLogic.
  • Erase the “Unitronics” folder from- C:\Program Files
  • Erase the “Unitronics” folder from- C:\Program Files\Common Files.
  • Install VisiLogic again.

Please let us know if it helped.

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