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error de comunicacion


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hola ,estoy intentando realizar comunicación entre PC-PLC al seleccionar esa opción de comunicación me da el siguiente cuadro (foto 3) donde configuro la ip correspondiente y me arroja es triangulo amarillo que dice que debo actualizar mi plc.

Después, al cargar mi programación hecha en el function 1 , , voy a download y después full download y dice verificando conection y me aparece el cuadro de la foto 1 y si selecciono la opción copy to usb stick me da el cuadro de la foto 2.

Alguna solución al respecto? 



hello, I'm trying to make communication between PC-PLC when selecting that communication option gives me the following table (photo 3) where I set the corresponding ip and throws me is yellow triangle that says I must update my plc.

Then, when loading my programming made in function 1, I'll download and then full download and it says verifying conection and I see the picture in photo 1 and if I select the option copy to usb stick it gives me the picture in photo 2 .

Any solution to this?





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  • MVP 2023

This is telling you to update the firmware on your PLC. To do that, insert a USB thumb drive that is formatted to FAT32 in your PC and let UniLogic download the new firmware to it. When it is downloaded, insert the USB drive into the PLC and perform the update. When that is complete you will be able to download your project.

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