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Performing Fourier Transform on Analog Input Signal

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  • MVP 2023

You can perform a Fourier Transform on any set of data.  The question is what are you looking for?  You've given us nothing to go on.

PLC analog inputs are not high speed devices so your sample rate is going to be limited.  The absolute fastest analog update time you can get on a Samba is 30 ms (33 Hz).   So the highest frequency you can see is 16 Hz according to the Nyquist theorem.

A Samba doesn't exactly have a lot memory and ladder is a horribly inefficient language for doing heavy number crunching. 

Given those two conditions I would seriously discourage you from trying to use a PLC to achieve FFT results and point you at a high-speed National Instruments data acquisition board and a copy of LabView.

Joe T.

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