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 Good afternoon , could you support in the following question ^?

Is there any restriction for V120-22-R2C to configure to load  initial page and main page after the controller has started up  , it is  configuring SB2 , TIMER and Initial Page , we are using the 

controller V120-22-R2C and the  version would be 9.8.79

Another question , we are going to command a valve , our concern is about the download , if we have an specific command at any time and we need to download  information to the controller keeping the command to the valve. what option should we use to avoid to close the valve if it is open.

Also when we use the command  -  stop  -  download  - run ,   does not it  change the command?  but the others ,  download  and stop -  download -  reset ?    does it change the commnand to the valve?


Thanks for your support 

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  • MVP 2023

You can make the V120 do whatever you want as far as display control.

Most people are using version 9.8.65 of Visilogic.  Download it here - https://unitronicsplc.com/Download/SoftwareVersions/Visilogic/VisiLogic_9_8_65.exe

The valve command probably won't change when you download the program - memory values are not downloaded automatically.  If you download a radically different version of the program it may cause a PLC reset which will cause your valve output to change.

If you want to attach your program and ask specific questions we would be happy to help.

Joe T.

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