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Samba 3.4 With Lenze i550

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  • MVP 2023

Have you ever worked with the CANopen network?
Are you familiar with the way how to create messages in the parameters for transmitting information from the frequency converter?
Is the converter running alone or already connected to the CANopen network?

I have simple examples for control  Lenze 8400 drive. However, they need to be modified for your converter.
At the same time, you need to study how the device itself is configured and how to change these settings to work through the network.

The factory settings are foreseeing the transfer of current speed, but  the analog output parameters will need to be manually configured into the message.
To begin, I'll attach an example of how to activate the network and set up a network startup via Samba. But it must be consistent with the settings on your device.


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  • MVP 2023


On 3/1/2019 at 8:39 PM, kratmel said:

must be consistent with the settings on your device.

Please read manual for i550 to find CANopen setup


p.186 explaine drive settings.

In the default setting, the inverter is configured as slave and waits for the NMT telegram "Start Remote Node" from the master/host system

after being switched on.

In example present first step that is used for Start-stop remote node.  No data transmision - only node activation.

Please read Canopen chapter in visilogic help to find how to change slave settings in sample program.

You must run communication with drive, after that you have to take the next step - configure data transmision.


P.S. You have not answered the question in my message. It's hard for me to figure out how to further help you.

On 3/1/2019 at 8:39 PM, kratmel said:

Is the converter running alone or already connected to the CANopen network?


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  • MVP 2023

PDO work with fast RAM of the drive. SDO work with EEPROM. It is much slower.
I'm not familiar with software used for i550 configuration but you need it for embed needed  parameter to PDO message.

One question: maybe you do not need CANopen?   Samba has two analog input and i550 has two analog outputs.
You can configure needed parameter (like speed or current) to 2 analog output and measure it by samba analog input.

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With the analog i know how to handle it in the samba.

But how can i show in the hmi the rpm of the motor?

4 hours ago, Avik said:

Tnk. I try it tommorw.

How i "tell" to inverter to send some parameter if i know the index of it.

I think its more easy to work in sdo and not pdo?


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  • MVP 2023

You know the maximum engine speed.
In the driver, set analog output parameters so that it has 10V when the engine rotates at maximum revolutions per minute (rpm).
Next, in the Samba controller, use the linearization block and convert the maximum value of the analog input code to the maximum engine speed you have.

See help chapter Linearizing an Analog Input Value.

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