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My HW configuretion: V1040, UMI-0004BE-B1.,      SW 9.8.79.,

MODBUS RTU communication setting 19200,8,E,1.

Whem motor is running I have in Status messages=10 - Incorrect CRC (in picture MI2322)

Where is problem?  What can I do to be Status messages =0 ?

Thanks Martin


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1. Communication cale has a shield. Conection according the manual.

2.Motor has a shield.

3.VFD has corecly gounded.

4. Comunication OK when VFD stoped. MI2322=0.

When hte motor is running - MI2322 has 4,5,10( MI2322 = 4,5,10, 4- Master-Time Out,5-No Comunication,10-Incorect CRC)


1.Can  be wrong the VFD parameters setting? My parameters: VFD- P14.00-1,P14.01- 4, P14.02-1,P14.03-100,P14.04-0.0s,P14.05-0

2.Can  be wrong the config parameters ? My config is: Com2,19200,0.5,8,E,1,RS485



Edited by MartinIT
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