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SAP Communication


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  • MVP 2023

I have a customer asking for this.  As no one truly knows how to link to an SAP system (they just know they want it) we are using .CSV files created on the SD card as a data interface.  These files can be read and written by a another system using the UniStream's ftp server.

Joe T.

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There are many different ways to connect to SAP R/3. Your choice depends largely on the type of application you are building. If you are looking to support transparent system to non-SAP system commication, then using the XML document standards of Business Connector (BC) is the tool for you. BC allows you to chain together multiple RFC/BAPI calls in what is termed a pipeline into which you map inbound XML fields using the BC browser.

If you need to provide realtime, client based communication (from a Web page), then JCo is the right connector for you. JCo is a highly optimized Java Native Interface (JNI) that provides quick connectivity into the RFC/BAPI layer.

Hope this information will help you. If you still facing an issues then you can join SAP Training Course in Noida

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