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Connection via internet?

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Is it possible to connect to my V570 via internet? I mean if my computer and device are not in the same network? I would like to use it to download program modifications from my pc to the controller. 

Thanks, Mia

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  • MVP 2023

I moved this post because Remote Access is actually a software program that allows you to view the PLC remotely. You use VisiLogic to download programs, whether locally or remotely. Yes, you can connect to your PLC remotely if you have set up an internet connection to the PLC (i.e. have port forwarding or VPN, etc) and have an Ethernet module installed in your V570.

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On 7/30/2019 at 8:46 PM, Flex727 said:

I moved this post because Remote Access is actually a software program that allows you to view the PLC remotely. You use VisiLogic to download programs, whether locally or remotely. Yes, you can connect to your PLC remotely if you have set up an internet connection to the PLC (i.e. have port forwarding or VPN, etc) and have an Ethernet module installed in your V570.

So I've been able to connect to my PLC in local network. I had just a router and my computer and PLC were both connected to the router. In future I'd like to "work from home" and connect remotely. Is it enough if I have a modem with static IP connected to the PLC or do I need to have a computer also in the network that my PLC is in? So the problem is, I don't know how to connect to the network that my PLC is in.

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  • MVP 2023

This is an IT question, not a PLC question. The PLC doesn't behave any differently than any Ethernet connected device. You do not need a computer in the network with the PLC. All you need is to have the PLC connected to the internet in some fashion. The most common simple (most simple, but not the most secure) connection is to have the modem connected to a router and the router connected to the PLC. Within the router setup you would set up port forwarding to have port 20256 forwarded to the IP address of the PLC. Then you would connect to the PLC from outside the network with VisiLogic by connecting to the static IP of the modem and port 20256.

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1 hour ago, Flex727 said:

This is an IT question, not a PLC question. The PLC doesn't behave any differently than any Ethernet connected device. You do not need a computer in the network with the PLC. All you need is to have the PLC connected to the internet in some fashion. The most common simple (most simple, but not the most secure) connection is to have the modem connected to a router and the router connected to the PLC. Within the router setup you would set up port forwarding to have port 20256 forwarded to the IP address of the PLC. Then you would connect to the PLC from outside the network with VisiLogic by connecting to the static IP of the modem and port 20256.

Thank you again so much 🙂

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