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Remote Operator Windows 10 touch screen problem


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I am experiencing an issue while trying to run the remote operator from a Windows 10 Pro tablet:

When the tablet is connected to a PLC, a double-click is required in order for the app to register a touch to the PLC. I know that the touch screen is working fine and even the Remote Operator app is fine because I can navigate the menus and even Run/Stop the connection with  a single tap. 

Additionally, everything works normally when I use a USB mouse connected to the tablet so I know there is some compatibility issue between the touch screen and the way the Remote Operator registers touches. 

The tablet I am using is Dell Latitude 12 7000 7202

Has anyone else experienced this?

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  • MVP 2023

Haven't had this.  What PLC?  I only use plcs without touchscreen.

I'd also be looking at an obscure tablet screen related setting somewhere.  One area that you might look at is the zoom settings.  My cheap W10 tablet does odd things with certain programs if I don't get this right.....and sometimes "right" looks a decidedly odd setting.  Or perhaps a timeout or touch reset is occurring somewhere, that needs an initial tap to get things going again.

Also, check that both the driver is up to date, or perhaps roll backwards a bit to see if that helps.  New isn't necessarily the best.

cheers, Aus

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/11/2019 at 6:48 PM, Ausman said:

Haven't had this.  What PLC?  I only use plcs without touchscreen.

I'd also be looking at an obscure tablet screen related setting somewhere.  One area that you might look at is the zoom settings.  My cheap W10 tablet does odd things with certain programs if I don't get this right.....and sometimes "right" looks a decidedly odd setting.  Or perhaps a timeout or touch reset is occurring somewhere, that needs an initial tap to get things going again.

Also, check that both the driver is up to date, or perhaps roll backwards a bit to see if that helps.  New isn't necessarily the best.

cheers, Aus

I am using a Vision 700 or 570. The touch screen responds perfectly in all other scenarios.

It is only on the mirrored display of the remote operator that this problem occurs.


I have tried many different touch screen settings and going through Windows options and drivers. 

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  • MVP 2023

Have you tried with no mouse connected and the touchpad and everything associated with it completely disabled?  Hmmm...make sure you have a different mouse to put onto a usb in case all that somehow locks you out.

Keep in mind that there are certain actions that are not mirrored correctly in RO.  One example is access into info mode, it is immediate entry....no delay.  Your issues don't sound like these quirks, though.

cheers, Aus

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