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I have V1040 connected to IO-16A3-RO16

the 2 highspeed inputs are connected to

DW 7 and DW 8 with frequency measurement 1000msec

on the HMI I have 2 displays (variable Numeric) linked to DW7, DW8

The LEDs   4,5,6,7 (on the I/O module are on)

I have 24V pulses (50% duty) on input pins 36 and 38. changed the frequency from 1Hz to 300Hz

the value on the display is not changing

help is apreciated

best regards


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  • MVP 2023

What type of input: npn or pnp is used?

Is it  n/p pin connected acording to the manual?

14 hours ago, KurtL said:

The LEDs   4,5,6,7 (on the I/O module are on)

It is the 4, 6 status led - it must show the input pulse on/off.

Where is connected 5,7 pin?


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