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URB-TCP setup help


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I have recently installed a URB-TCP expansion module into an existing system. My issue is that the MOD light is FLASHING RED and my IOS light is FULL RED.

Connected, I have a DO08CH URD-0008CH in slot 1 and a  AI08O URA-0800O 8 Analog Current Inputs, 10 RTB in slot 2. The AI08O has all 8 LEDs flashing green.

I can ping the module so I think it is communicating  OK.

Any help or info would be great. Let me know if you need any more information.




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No you don't need one.  I asked because there was a bug at one point where the system would not recognize the power modules and that was the status you'd get.

Check that your modules are seated properly.

Check the Operational State of the URB in it's Struct it should be 6 if the UniStream is communicating with it(if its another value the URB failed check the help file for the reason)

Check the number of expansion modules that the URB believes are connected.

If those are correct check the Communication Error Code in the URB Communication struct (it should be  a 0  if its not contact support)


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I removed and replaced the module with no luck. I am fairly sure that they are in correctly.

In the URB Remote I/O Adaptor structure the Operational State is 0 so I guess that is where the problem lies. The only variable that is a 1, is the Enable bit.

Communication Error Code is 0, IP address is as expected.

I looked through the help file on the Operational State but couldn't find anything to help resolve it.

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OK the operational state means that the PLC is unable to talk to the URB(it's not establishing a connection)

0- Establishing Connection (in Progress )

When you pinged the URB was that from a PC or the UniStream??
1)Trying pinging the URB from the UniStream via Uniapps->Network->Ethernet->Ping

2)You've set IP address for both the panel and CPU(your PC will use the Panel IP to communicate with the PLC, the PLC will use the CPU IP to communicate with the URB)

3) Is it an isolated URB and PLC are on an isolated network or are you going over the top??

4) how did you set the IP on the URB?


Edited by Cam
Fat fingered the save button
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Hi Cam,

you have cracked it. Thanks for your help. Here are all the answers in case this helps someone else.

1. I did it from the cmd prompt with all 4 packets received. Just tried there with the uniapps and got a tick so I guess that was successful?

2. I had the panel IP and and CPU IP set the same. Changed this and all green lights and status 6.

3. It is an isolated network.

4. I set the IP using the BOOTP server in unilogic with the no.9 dip switch.

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