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Screen '...' has 301 elements, which exceeds the limit of 256 elements


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Number of display elements limited to reasonable number to minimize display refresh time, which enlarge scan time.

If scan time is not so important for you, you can forward your question to support@unitronics.com

Support persone will reply you with personal recommendation.

Best regards.

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I wrote already in initial post, that's not an option this time - a) because of enormous job already done; b) because there is no guarantee that any of the static elements will not be requested to be converted to dynamic element at any time.

But our dear moderator decided he could cut every possible detail, leaving almost entire post meaningless.

Anyway, the suggestion to rise direct support request was fantastic. I get my problem solved within hour.

21 hours ago, Kikis said:




I think it's better to create a jpg image with all static icons/symbols and use it as background on that page.

Then add all binary/list elements and other variables above the background image.


Best Regards,




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