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I'm having trouble setting  time and date using function "set plc time and date" from network. The time and date are read from the network but not written to the PLC.

version:      unilogic: 1.28.34   panel: 1.28.58

I used the example:    "UniStream_070_RFC_1305_UDFB._419_bck.ulpr".

Thank you

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After upgraded to version 1.28.34
try to upgrade CPU FPGA.

There are changes in RTC in this version.


RTC /GMT:   UniStream now supports two clocks, Local Time and GMT. You can use these in Ladder elements, HMI Widgets, and set them via UniApps.

A new parameter has been added to the RTC struct, Time Zone Existing Ladder functions Set PLC Time/Date now have a new parameter, Status. New System structs have been added, UTC Time and UTC Date

We had this problem with the USC-P-B10  and now works OK.

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