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M91 Linearization, several measurements

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the forum has been said about this odd activity with linearizition.

it seems that in "Help" there is example, which operates correctly only with 1 measurement.

In "examples" there is actually working solution several measurements.!

Today I spent 8 hours at work to investigate this thing,

because the action was very strange...

It seems that timing is very important with these utilities,

I recommend that the "help"- files are updated as soon as possible

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Dear Hane6,

In U90Ladder > Help menu > Sample U90 projects > Flow and toalizing there is a working example "Linearization of two inputs" (attached to the post too). Did you check it? Do you face any problem with it?

Thank you..

No longer any problem.

Problem was, that I looked first to the "HELP" file, and it led astray,

untill i notice, that did'nt work.

Example in "examples"- folder works.

post-141-098216200 1283525903_thumb.png

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