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Save current time and date as timestamp, and display on screen

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I have a Jazz unit set up to count accumulated hours in detail. (Hour, min, sec)

I currently have the ability to reset the accumulated time manually via a combination of key presses.


I would like to save the reset  date and time in MM/DD/YYYY & HH:MM;SS format, and display this on the display.

I tried writing the current date to some MI, and display those integers, but the numbers are in a strange format. 

Can someone help me out here?



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  • MVP 2023

The current date and time are bundled together in the SI registers so that a four digit number represents hours and minutes and/or month and day in a single number.

You're going to have to do some math to strip them apart by dividing by 100 and then extracting the remainder out of SI 4.

Post your program so we can have a look.

Joe T. 

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