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Current Screen


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Is there anywhere in the ladder to show which 'Current Screen' is loaded? (I cant seem to find anything).

I'm trying to run a function that returns to a 'Home' page after no users touch the screen for 15mins (which I have done), but I only want the 15min timer to run from screens which have adjustable settings and not the read only screens. From the 'Home' screen I've set up UAC that will require a login to get back into the screens with adjustable settings but can freely navigate to the read only screens.. 


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  • MVP 2014

Hi Mel,

I can't see a system function for this, but each HMI screen has the optional "Is Active" tag (bit type).



Are you looking for a way to monitor an existing project, or creating from scratch?  Obviously this requires a program change if you are working with an existing project.


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