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Visilogic doesn't work properly after installation? What "Install as Administrator" really means.

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  • MVP 2023

I'm pinning the basics of a reply done elsewhere.

Many times on the Vision forum we have people having various issues with the program not running correctly once installed.  There seem to be myriad different things affected, dependent on the various user's computers.

"Install as Administrator" does NOT mean simply installing it when logged as you being a user with Admin rights.  It is specifically Right Click on the installation file, and choose Run as Administrator.  This is a very confusing difference and often causes issues with people thinking they have installed it correctly.  After this special installation procedure and a reboot, you then need to locate the Visilogic.exe file which is normally in C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Main, and set it to Run as Admin in Compatibility which is the second tab under Right Click/Properties. It should already be showing as Run as Admin, but if it isn't.....tick the box.  Back out and Reboot.

If you didn't use RightClick for the install, save any personal work you've done and then do an uninstall using Revo portable to get rid of everything program related, reboot and start again doing the above.   Revo is available by selecting the appropriate link on the left of this page.  Or alternatively buy it on the right as it is so good!


cheers, Aus

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