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Updating Samba 35 error

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Hey All, 

      First time poster, long time reader lol. I ran into an error while updating my PLC its a SM35-J-RA22 (See Photo Below). Now I am not even able to get my PC to communicate with the PLC. I received a communication error on the visilogic software. Let me know what you guys think and I appreciate the quick response. 

Update Error on PLC.jpg

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3 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Did you review the pinned topic "Vision Bricked"?


Hey Flex727, no I have not, the problem was 2-fold. 1 I didnt have the right adapter PL2303, and my PC was able to support the appropriate driver. After spending a few hours on the horn with tech support we were able to get the PLC updated successfully. I got the right cable, and a different PC that was able to support the correct driver. Thanks for the quick response though. 

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