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Modbus TCP/IP


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Using a Unistream PLC (USC-P-B10) to communicate with an Opto-22 Snap Brain EB2 using Modbus TCP/IP. We're using this same application in various other places with no issues. At this particular site I am losing my link between the two devices. I added a counter and lost the link around 150 times in about 16 hours. The only difference I can come up with between this site and the others is the the enclosure also contains two VFDs. Could electrical noise be causing the interruption in the comms link? Any help would be appreciated.

Unilogic Modbus Link Error.png

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, Harperj said:

Could electrical noise be causing the interruption in the comms link?

Yes, absolutely. It's difficult to recommend a specific course of action without being onsite, but try ferrite cores on all the cabling and do what you can to distance the VFD and/or insulate the PLC from the VFD noise. I suspect there are others on this board who can provide some personal experience to help.

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