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Hi All,

And here's another PTO-related peculiarity which I'm hoping somebody might be able to answer (query number 8 in a list of emerging unknown PTO things):

8.    After doing repeated PTO Moves successfully (with successful PTO Move status and success outputs) PTO moves then fail with a status message of 3 "Channel not initialized, or Vision outputs do not support function" and all subsequent PTO Moves fail in the same way until the power is cycled. The Vision outputs definitely do support the PTO functionality so the error message implies that the PTO channel is not initialised. It definitely was initialised (previous PTO Moves worked correctly) so my question is: Is there a requirement to repeatedly do a PTO initialisation (either a PTO Configuration or a PTO Set profile) and if so what are the rules?

Does anybody out there have experience in the creation of a complete and successful Vision-based application using PTO functions or is there only experience with exploring and experimenting with the PTO commands?

Yours hopefully.

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  • MVP 2023
On 4/27/2022 at 12:29 PM, Maninashed said:

Is there a requirement to repeatedly do a PTO initialisation (either a PTO Configuration or a PTO Set profile)


You may have run into a bug.  Which version of Visilogic are you using?

Copy this post and your program to support@unitronics.com.

Joe T.

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