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Old saved project opens up as "Untitled"

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Hey everyone,

This is my first time using this software and I have hit a snag already. I am on a new project and need to use a previously designed projects code as my template. However, when I open the old project it opens as "Untitled" and nothing is in the project. Is this because I downloaded a newer version and this software is not backwards compatible? Any help would be great, thanks!



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  • MVP 2023

VisiLogic is definitely backward compatible. Older projects will open and automatically update to the version of VisiLogic you're using. While you can open older projects with a newer version of VisiLogic, you cannot open newer projects with an older version of VisiLogic.

I have never seen the problem you're describing. How are you opening the project - from the VisiLogic menu (Project Open) or are you attempting to open by double-clicking in Windows File Manager? I recommend only opening a project directly from VisiLogic.

Another possible problem is if the project file is on a shared directory that is not local. If that's the case, copy the project to your local computer to the Applications folder as set up by the VisiLogic install before trying to open it.

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