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richiesta x fare un programmino veloce

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buon giorno a tutti  e da quache settimana che mi sono avvicinato al mondo della programmazione plc 

come accennato nei vari post  vorrei fare un programmino semplice con accensione di un motore tre fasi collegato ad una pompa davanti un conta litri Riels ad ingranaggi con uscita ad inpulsi onda quadra npn  come inverter ho collegato un commander sk  che ho gia configurato.

il mio plc e :

 v700 ha 

Uscite analogiche a 4 porte

15 uscite digitali

Ingressi analogici a 4 porte

15 ingressi digitali

sigla come accennato




ho configrarto gia le porte x connettermi al plc e configurata porta digital inputs 9 a npn con comune +24vdc

nella scherata vorrei vedere 

start motore 

stop motore 

velocita giri motore 

litri ora .

chi e interessato a farmi il mini programma mi contatti x metterci  d accordo . grazie 




allego il programmino che ho fatto 

in attesa grazie 

test pompa ORIGINAL.vlp

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good morning to all and for the past few weeks

I have approached the world of plc programming as mentioned in the various posts I would like to make a simple program with the ignition of a three-phase motor connected to a pump in front of a Riels geared liter counter with square wave pulse output npn as an inverter I connected a commander sk that I have already configured.

my plc is: v700 has

4-port analogue outputs

15 digital outputs

4-port analog inputs

15 digital inputs initials as mentioned PLC + HMI V200-18-E4XB

I have already configured the ports to connect to the plc and configured digital inputs port 9 to npn with common + 24vdc in the joke I would like to see start engine engine stop engine rpm speed liters per hour. who is interested in making me the mini program please contact me x to agree. thank you

e-mail tumminellocalogero@gmail.com cel.

3279368492 I am attaching the little program I made waiting thanks


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