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Save CSV files on servers


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  • 2 weeks later...

Once you save it to the SD card you then FTP that file to your NAS folder.

  • "Store DIT to File" (pay attention to the CSV file name requirements in the help file)
  • WAIT for Save to Complete
  • "FTP Send" (pay attention to the CSV file name requirements in the help file)
  • To get it back to the PLC you can use and FTP client to send it to the SD card or Automatically:
  • "FTP Receive" (pay attention to the CSV file name requirements in the help file)
  • WAIT
  • "Convert CSV to UDTF" (pay attention to the CSV file name requirements in the help file)
  • WAIT
  • "Load DTI from File"

This is how you do it automatically, (such as after changes or on a time interval) if you just need the backup I would just go in through an FTP client like FileZilla and grab the file off the SD card. 

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