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How do you reset a timer while it is running?

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13 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

1.  Remove power from it's coil

I can build a network in U90 Ladder that would accomplish this for one cycle, but it seems clumbersome...

13 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

2.  Use a Reset coil  -(R)  assigned to the timer's address.  If the timer is enabled and running it will reset its accumulator to 0.

U90 Ladder doesn't allow me to use a Reset coil on T(imers). Only on MB, O and SB... or is there a trick I am missing?

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8 hours ago, Interact said:

U90 Ladder doesn't allow me to use a Reset coil on T(imers).

You are correct.  Sorry about that - I was thinking Visilogic.

U90 was the original software for the Unitronics M90 series introduced back in 2000.  It's written in VB6.  There are many things about it that are cumbersome compared to Visilogic and Unilogic.  I don't use Jazz PLCs on anything because the Visions are so much easier to implement.  I wrote a ton of code in U90 many years ago when the M91s were all we had.

With U90 you just have to do what you need to do with a limited function set.


Joe T.

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