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Winery glycol pump control

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Hello everyone,

Looking at the Vision Series HMI+PLC but need advise on which I/O.

We have a friend/customer that currently has 6 pumps on VFDs at their winery that control the flow of glycol/water for the main cooling loop.  He wanted us to look into operating the pumps automatic based on pressure of the loop and include an option for them to operate individual pump manual or set back to automatic.  I believe the  manual to auto switching can be handled at each VFD and I wouldn't need addition programming.

What we are trying to accomplish:

Stage all 6 pumps  on/off or modulate speed based on pressure setpoint. 

One pressure transducer AI (4-20ma or 0-10vdc)

6 programmable individual AO (0-10vdc)


What I think would work but need input:

Vision 1210

V200-18-E3XB (snap-in I/O)

IO-A06X (expansion I/O)


I am positive that everyone will have questions and I thank you for your help.


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  • MVP 2023

You'll also need an EX-A2x Expansion adapter to start the IO chain for the IO-AO6.  Otherwise your hardware list is good.

Don't forget the run contacts for the VFDs.  The -E3XB module can handle that.

You'll probably want to handle the Manual / Auto status in the PLC.  That way you can set the speed from the PLC while in Manual.

Six pumps?  That's a lot for a cooling loop.  How big are they?  What kind of flowrate and pressure are you dealing with?  Are there subloops that get switched in and out?

Joe T.

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