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Convert RS232 - 8 bits of HEX to decimal number


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Controller: Unilogic US7-B5-T24

The following data I received Com Rx buffer: 2B,20,31,35,38,2E,39,30,20,47,65,53,0D,0A

2B translates to the plus sign (+)

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

20 translates to a space
31 translates to the number 1
35 translates to the digit 5
38 translates to the digit 8
2E translates to a dot (.)
39 translates to the number 9
30 translates to the number 0
20 translates to a space

I want to save the data into one tag as decimal number. How can this be done?

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