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Unable to connect with remote operator

Paul Augood

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I am having occasional problems connecting with Remote Operator. 

What is going on when I get the error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:20256 (where that IP would be in the xxx.xxx....)? 

Typically our units are still sending out emails when this occurs but we cant connect.  This has been resolved but simply unplugging and plugging the ethernet cable back in but our systems are quite remote and unmanned.

Could this physical action be reproduced through programming - re-initializing the ethernet port periodically or some other action?


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Email goes out on a different port - different socket set up in the PLC. I mention it because it kept working (email could go out) but remote operator was giving the message I previously noted. I've had that message before when someone else has been connected but in this situation it continued indefinitely and was only fixed by unplugging and plugging in the ethernet cable.  previously.

Socket 0 TCP master (port 20258) for SMTP (email)
Socket 1 TCP RAW slave (port 80) for web server
Socket 2 TCP slave (port 20256) for programming
Socket 3 UDP RAW slave (port 20000) for DNS resolver
Socket 4 TCP slave (port 20257) for remote access

Yes have closed and opened remote operator many time - no change in behaviour form these two PLC (same programs on 50+ others).

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