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UniCloud--no-code Cloud! IIoT made Easy, for OEMs and Machine Builders!

Cara Bereck Levy


We've been working hard here at Unitronics headquarters--and people, the results are fabulous! 

This post is devoted to Unitronics' new UniCloud, our complete, no-code IIoT Cloud platform for OEMs and Machine Builders, supporting UniStream, Vision Enhanced,  and Samba—able to support any of your control applications, new or old, without you needing to add a line to your control project.

So…what does that mean, exactly?

Read on to learn more! 

                       UniCloud Logo.png

UniCloud Header.png


Go Cloud in less than 30 minutes – no  Cloud development skills needed!

 UniCLoud 30minutes.png

Watch the Getting Started videos
 Check out our videos to see how simple and easy it is to implement UniCloud with your Unitronics PLCs.



 We are happy to announce our new IIoT solution designed for Unitronics controllers: UniCloud.

Our goal in designing UniCloud was to free our customers from the need to rely on programmers
and cloud professionals
—and to enable an easy, secure way to enter the world of IIoT.
UniCloud is specifically designed for OEMs and Machine Builders, to get them up and running with their first Dashboard in less than 30 minutes.


Existing application? Old application?

 You can go Cloud with any application–without changing a line in your control program!


  UniCLoud Dashboards.png


 Use UniCloud together with Unitronics controllers: UniStream®, Vision™ Enhanced, Samba™, and Jazz® (soon to come).

  • Create your UniCloud organization account
  • Connect your controller
  • Configure the data you want to display
  • Build your Dashboards
  • Go LIVE in less than 30 minutes.


UniCloud Benefits

UniCloud enables you to take advantage of IIoT technology to improve your business performance,
increase productivity, efficiency, and reduce operational costs, slowdowns, and failures.

 UniCLoud Benefits.png


UniCLoud trial offer.png


 New PLC: UniStream® Cloud

Meet the UniStream C (Cloud) series—the first and only PLC with built-in Cloud services and no monthly fee.


This series comes with an embedded subscription for Cloud. No monthly fee or any additional purchase of hardware or software is needed—connect and go!
Available in: UniStream Modular, UniStream Built-in, and UniStream PLC.


UniCLoud Inside.png




 DATE: 9.2.21, Tuesday

08:00 GMT / 03:00 EST


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15:00 GMT / 10:00 EST


 DATE: 10.2.21, Friday

15:00 GMT / 10:00 EST


 DATE: 10.2.21, Friday

18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST



Visit our website: www.unitronics.cloud









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