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Unitronics' Blog: PLCs, HMIs and more

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News, news, news: Engineer's Choice nomination, Webinars and more :-)

Cara Bereck Levy


I've got some great news to share with you!

Unitronics is proud to announce that UniStream has been nominated in Control Engineering's Engineer's Choice awards, in the category of Hardware: Integrated HMI Controllers.

The Engineers' Choice Awards includes 29 categories of control, instrumentation, and automation products, revealing the best as chosen by Control Engineering's print and digital audience.

If you would like to cast your vote, go to:


We will be running another UniLogic training webinar, this time on the subject of Timers and Actions.

This free webinar will be held on November 13th.

Click below to register:


On another note, Unitronics Support is setting up training schedules for the US, 2014. We have a proposed list of cities and would like to offer you the opportunity to let us know where you would like to see training held:


Finally, I'd like to invite you to join us on our Facebook page--it's a great way to keep updated with current Unitronics news


Have a good week--may all your programs be perfect :-)


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