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About Aleksey

  • Birthday 05/28/1989

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  1. How to display the value of a text variable in a window HMI? How to display the value of a text variable in a window. None of the available features provide this capability.
  2. Why does the "Store string" function not work with the Russian language? How to make it work?
  3. OK. How to organize the processing of the algorithm along the rise and fall inside UDFB? The structure in the image continues to be processed in a loop, even after setting the ON bit. I mistakenly inserted a coil instead of a contact, but even if there is a contact, the circuit repeats itself cyclically until the Alarm.Active bit is true
  4. Why it is not possible to insert P and N contacts inside a function?
  5. Why can not I change the arguments of function C. When I put the cursor on the line with the name of the function, do not enter any characters from the keyboard?
  6. I went exactly this way, thanks!
  7. I looked at an example. You do not quite understand me. I need to move away from the standard accident log, since it does not suit the customer. Let's say I created a data table for crashes. Created a separate structure of the accident. (For example Alarm (bool active, int index, string description, time response time)) Created an accident summary page. On the page I create binary elements of images. How do I attach a tag of a picture's status to the field of a table element. How do I dynamically create image blocks in an accident. How to tune the position of the image to the variables, to precisely position the dynamically generated elements.
  8. OK. I can create an event structure. And create a new element in the data table for the event (Or rather, I can not create a new line, just add an entry to the existing ones). The question is different. How do i visualize data table fields. Can I link them to tags of visual elements? The designer asks to make a magazine in the following form ...
  9. Hey, I need to create my own alarm log. I decided for each accident to create its own discrete variable. By triggering an accident to display the text in the log. With the disappearance of the text to remove. Does the development environment have a table type tool? Or how to implement this algorithm. Thank!
  10. Hello! I need to add dynamic elements to the program window. I have not found how to bind the coordinates of the object to variables. Is there such a possibility in UniLogic/UniStream?
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