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IO-AI4-AO2 analog output tied to Numeric Number box.

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Hello,  I purchased a CNC machine that has a custom coolant system on it utilizing a V570 PLC.  The original mfg is not helpful so I've gone down the route of reprogramming myself.  I'm pretty new to ladder logic and would appreciate any help you can provide.


How can I vary the analog output of the IO-AI4-AO2 using manual input on the HMI through a number box?  I would also like the value shown on screen to represent the frequency of the VFD (0 - 60hz)

It's outputting 0-10V to drive a VFD for a conveyor.


I apologize if this is covered elsewhere, I could not find it.




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Under Help, There are example programs to review.

Basically :      Place  a   Number box on the Screen

                                   Assign the MI  for the Data  to be entered

                                   Set up the keyboard entry - add the limits for the data entry.

                                   In the ladder, use the MI into a Linearization block to convert to the analog scaled output.



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Thanks Dan.  I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but I will look into soon.  I tried using the linearization in the number box and was getting nonsense numbers output to the VFD.  At least not numbers I could make sense of.  


How does running it through a linearization block in the ladder differ?

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Linearization in the Screen Number box is limited. Applies to the Display Only. ( see Help)

We normally do the linearization in the ladder - more control over the settings and the Input and Output.

     See   ( Help-Lienearization-Vector Linearization)





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  • MVP 2023
42 minutes ago, DanT said:

Linearization in the Screen Number box is limited. Applies to the Display Only. ( see Help)

Unless I'm misunderstanding, not exactly the case. Here is an example that allows the user to enter a number from 0-100% at the HMI and the MI (presumed attached to a 12-bit 4-20mA analog output) will be linearized to the correct value: image.png.7bbd6dd826e353198e5d9de06443d13c.png

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