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I am working on a project where a V1040 monitors a process.

It is possible that the screen will not be used for a number of consecutive days, with some static information on the screen.

Is the screen susceptable to "burn in"?

Should I set up a screen saver?

Is it possible to turn off the display and get it to "wake up" once touched?



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  • 5 years later...


I used the screen saver code from the example with the Samba SM35-J-TA22.

The problem is that when the screen is touched and the last page is called and I touched an area with a button on the last called page, that button gets pressed.

I want a screen saver that does not activate any buttons when the screen is touched and the screen "wakes up". Is there any easy way to do that?

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The code I used from the example is that when the timer stops, I call an empty HMI.

The empty HMI calls a subroutine "on load" that set backlight to 0.

The empty HMI calls a subroutine "while displaying"that load last HMI on touch.

The empty HMI calls a subroutine "on unload" that sets backlight to 100.

But when I touch the screen, I can accidentally press a button on last showed HMI which can be bad for the process running. I need a solution for this if possible.

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