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There is a wery good explanation in VisiLogic Help.

Open Help, go to Search tab and search for timer.

Hi AlexUT,

I' ve searched for help. I found explanation how timers work, but didn't find sth about timer's flags.

Mayby my Visihelp is incomplite (I use VisiLogic 9.3.1) .


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Can you define what do you mean by "with different flag"?

Hi Emil,

I want to reach result: at first display window I want to show text (not picture) for few seconds. After this time showed text should hide, but .... ;-(.

Now I'm using hide bits (last row in properties of HMI Object type: Text) pic3.jpg.

MB0 is a bit activated by !Start-Up Module link & jump (pic2.jpg) .


post-6715-098635500 1326889091_thumb.jpg

post-6715-049577600 1326889125_thumb.jpg

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There are several ways to show/"hide" text:

- binary text, when one of the texts is empty;

- List of text, when one of the line is empty;

- Variable "Display text", with activcating Hide function.

I guess the first two options are quite clear.

Hide - the way is different in ordinary and enhanced models.

In ordinary models, it works only in subroutine, related to specifcic display.

In enhanced models, there is a bit linked to each variable. It seems you're working with enhanced model.

To perform delay to hide thhe text, as you describe, you need:

- first to define a bit "HMI Display Loaded" (VisiLogic > Utils menu > HMI).

- With N.O. contact of thhis MB or XB, to activate coil of TD with requested time;

- On different net (!!!), to use positive transition contact of the timer to SET defined Hide bit.

Please let me know if this logic is working for you!

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.. snip

- With N.O. contact of thhis MB or XB, to activate coil of TD with requested time;

- On different net (!!!), to use positive transition contact of the timer to SET defined Hide bit.

Please let me know if this logic is working for you!

Thanks for quick answer.

I tried to use your advice. It's work. ;-)

I made it with little modyfication. I expand and connect my "hiding text" with SB2. Look at it.

post-6715-021681700 1326954517_thumb.jpg

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I've got next problem.

Connection from Your advice works with single net,

but why it doesn't work with parallel nets?

I explain what I want to reach.

At first (starting) display, string "F1 - BIOS Setup" is showed by 10 seconds. After this time MB2 sets.

Parallel, in the same time is showing small picture (picture under text: KontrFazy). After 10s MB42 sets.

Different timers ( TD0 and TD1) connected to SB2.

post-6715-041124300 1326957756_thumb.jpg

post-6715-046764700 1326958892_thumb.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear GS,

there must be some problem in another part of your program. Let us see your sample once more:

Both TD0 and TD1 are active (the condition NOT SB2 is true). Your screenshot was taken later than 10s after start of your PLC because TD0 is online. However, TD1 is still offline at the same moment despite of the preset time is the same. Please try to search your program for another instance of TD1 coil. I bet this will be the problem.

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