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  • MVP 2023

I love Unitronics PLCs, but I am constantly having a problem getting my laptop to connect to a v570 via ethernet. It always fails to connect the first time and I usually putz around with it for a few days and finally get it to work, after much lost time. Here is my situation:

Using WinXP on the laptop and VisiLogic 8.6.3 (I know this isn't the latest version, but I am often working with installed systems and I want to maintain continuity).

I can connect every time with a serial cable.

I can ping the PLC every time.

I assign a PLC name & port number and confirm them in the communications settings.

As far as I know, these are the things I need to be able to communicate via ethernet:

PLC IP address

PLC name

PLC port number

Compatible, non-conflicting IP address assigned to the laptop

Crossover cable when connecting directly, or straight cable when connecting through a hub

TCP/IP card & socket initialization and PLC name in ladder using SB2

My problem is I have a PLC in the field that I will need to connect to via ethernet. Sometimes I do some updating and troubleshooting with a new PLC here in my office. I open the box, install the ethernet card, confirm functionality of the card, and download the program with a serial cable. At this point the PLC has the assigned IP address, card & socket initialization, and PLC name, exactly like the one in the field. I remove the serial cable, change the communication setup back to TCP/IP Call, confirm that VisiLogic has the correct IP address, PLC name, and socket number that matches the PLC, and try to connect. No go - I get the Communication Driver Error box (Communication over TCP/IP could not be established due to one of the following: etc, etc)

Now I know there is nothing wrong with the ladder logic, as I have connected to a PLC with this same installed program many times before. I check the laptop IP address and the first 3 octets are the same as the PLC (I'm using 10.1.1). I can ping the PLC without error. I have the laptop wireless turned off and there are no other computers on this mini network.

This kind of thing drives me crazy - it shouldn't be this difficult. What am I missing?

  • MVP 2023

Thank you, Ofir. I think I've found the problem and it is mine, not Unitronics'. If I change the IP addresses on the PLC and laptop to 192.168.1.xxx, I can connect easily. Something in my laptop is acting as a firewall and preventing connection outside the range of 192.168.1.xxx addresses. I am not actually running a firewall program on my laptop that I know of, not even the built-in Windows firewall, however, I'm having trouble tracking down the source. Anyone have a suggestion for how to proceed to troubleshoot this kind of issue on a WinXP laptop?

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